Social Development through NLP-driven Interdisciplinary Collaborations (SOCIO-NLP)


The workshop on Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Social Development serves as a platform to explore the significant potential of NLP technologies in advancing societal development across various areas. Our primary objectives revolve around fostering inclusive and extensive conversations, encouraging novel contributions, and nurturing collaborative exchanges among researchers deeply invested in leveraging NLP for societal progress.

Our main aim is to illuminate the wide-ranging applications of NLP spanning pivotal domains such as healthcare, education, governance, humanitarian aid, environmental sustainability, and more. We aim to achieve this by inviting and evaluating submissions that reveal the transformative capabilities of NLP methodologies, tools, and analyses. These submissions will act as exemplars, illustrating the substantial impact of NLP as a catalyst for addressing multifaceted societal challenges.


Our goal is to unite a community of researchers, practitioners, and stakeholders passionate about exploring NLP's capabilities for societal advancement. We aspire to create a platform that not only showcases pioneering NLP-driven approaches but also fosters interdisciplinary discourse, knowledge exchange, and potential collaborations among participants. This workshop aims to inspire, educate, and empower attendees, encouraging them to leverage NLP as a force for effecting positive societal change.

List of Topics

We invite submissions across a diverse spectrum of social domains, including, but not limited to:

  • NLP-driven solutions for healthcare management, medical record analysis, and patient care optimization.
  • Utilizing NLP in educational technology, personalized learning, and academic performance analysis.
  • NLP applications for governance, policy-making, civic engagement, and public administration.
  • Leveraging NLP in environmental monitoring, sustainability initiatives, and climate change analysis.
  • NLP applications in humanitarian aid, disaster response, refugee support, and crisis management.
  • Analyzing social media discourse, sentiment analysis, and advocating digital citizenship using NLP.
  • Community-driven initiatives, social activism, and advocacy through NLP-driven approaches.
  • NLP in public safety, law enforcement, criminal justice reform, and fair decision-making.
  • Addressing ethical considerations and bias mitigation in NLP for societal development.

Workshop Organizers

Dr. Labiba Jahan
Southern Methodist University

Dr. Mehak Gupta
Southern Methodist University

Dr. Mustafa Ocal
Florida International University

Dr. Farzana Beente Yusuf, Inc.

Dr. Anurag Acharya
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)